Wednesday, April 30, 2008

News Flash: Clinton Overwhelming Choice Among Poorly Educated and Uninformed

The Gallup website has posted a number of articles on the stark differences in support by education level being received by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the Democratic Primary race. This recent article summarizes the general trend:
In the overall sample of 7,999 non-Hispanic white Democratic voters Gallup interviewed between April 1 and April 26, Clinton beats Obama by a 49% to 42% margin. As seen above, Clinton gains this winning margin in part because of her very high percentage of support among those with lower education levels. Obama's support among the well-educated is not strong enough to counteract Clinton's strength among the less well-educated.
Now go ahead and accuse me of "elitism" if you like, but why hasn't it occurred to people that college-educated people are far more likely to actually know something about the respective candidates and to have some idea of what their policies are, as well as their implications? Doesn't the disproportionate support that Obama receives from educated Whites across all age brackets indicate that they may understand something about the two candidates that the less-informed, more apathetic uneducated voters have simply missed? In particular, I have noted that Obama repeatedly appeals to subtleties and nuances in word and policy when explaining his plans or his apparently all-important gaffes. The MSM, which is made up primarily of people who have college degrees but try as hard as possible to forget everything they have learned, has tended to completely miss these subtleties and nuances, but this is an enormous problem, because political office is all about carefully weighing decisions and making fine distinctions. It seems to me that the people who know how to do this are supporting Obama in a freakishly disproportionate manner. One further note: What percentage of college-educated whites would support Obama if we removed the effect of the feminists? I think it's fair to assume that the majority of ardent feminists in the U.S. are white and college-educated, and they vote overwhelmingly for Clinton. Take out these women, and the number of college-educated whites voting for Hillary probably shrinks to a tiny, insignificant percentage.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

From a recent Gallup report:
"...from the moment he appeared on the national scene as a serious Democratic contender, Obama's appeal has been strongly skewed toward those with high levels of education, while Clinton has been the dominant favorite of those with less education."