Friday, February 29, 2008

Tales of Rhetorical Hypocrisy, Part 1: Bush and Diplomacy

From the International Herald Tribune, Adam Nagourney writes:
Without using Obama's name, President George W. Bush, at a White House news conference on Thursday, assailed his willingness to meet Cuba's new leader, Raúl Castro, without preconditions, saying that to do so would grant "great status to those who have suppressed human rights and human dignity."
What, you mean people like Pervez Musharraf, Vladimir Putin, the Saudi Royalty, and the Communist Party leaders of the People's Republic of China? Yeah, Presidents should never meet with those dudes without preconditions. Who would even think of doing such things?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like to forget dubya is still President. it's not like he gets to do anything besides go on goodwill missions, after all.
but i can see why he wants hillary to win. she agrees with him on the need to stay in iraq indefinitely, like mccain. only obama can spoil that legacy for him.