Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Announcing the launch of ADD Generation!

Greetings friends! I have now joined the ranks of "real" bloggers, for whatever that's worth (not much these days). I will be re-posting much of my recent political yacking on this site over the next few days. Thereafter, I will primarily post here, although I will occasionally post my own blogs into my Facebook profile, so you all don't forget about me. This blog is intended, for the time being, to cover all of the things that I enjoy talking about: Politics, music, movies, a little bit of psychology here and there, bits and pieces of my everyday life, etc. etc. If this gets out of hand, I may create several blogs (this site seems to be very flexible on that note) and focus the content of each. But for the time being, thanks for stopping by, and if you have a minute, check out my inaugural post (below), which has served as the inspiration for the name of my blog. Comments are completely free and open - let me hear your thoughts!

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